mandag 14. august 2017

Droid penis = vibrator.

Better not think too much about that.

I read some powerful words tonight. The person in question, perhaps because of the position, makes them even more powerful. Taken out of context, they appear beautiful and lovely. Unfortunately, they are not.

“I don't want any pity, I just want to be cuddled and loved.”

Powerful words.

Words hiding darkness and pain. Suffering. Sweet sickness.

My own thoughts on the matter, as my own history has taught me, makes my position differently. Although, I can reflect, with great regret, on the respite it brings.

I don't want any pity, I just want to be cuddled and loved.

Pity, much as loyalty, is a fickle thing.

Do you remain loyal to a person, or to an organization? What happens when the person in change no longer follows the same creed as the organization once did? Do you come for Womble and stay for Cyanide?

The inability to help, to cause betterment, but instead plan the wrongdoings that ultimately go far different than you expect is very much like brainstorming the idea of a book tuning video game with a friend of yours. What am I saying; of course, they’re nothing alike.

A Life is Strange inspired game with the Christian seven deadly sins in bodily form, a complex character creation and multiple twists and turns along the way to discover what is actually going on.

They say of the Acropolis where the Parthenon is…

I don't want any pity, I just want to be cuddled and loved.

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